The Shirley ConnectionConnecting Shirley Residents with Social Service Providers
Residents of Shirley, Massachusetts have long worked together to build a better place — a place where a sense of community prevails and whose homes and businesses are populated with people who are interested in helping each other.
While much information is available, it has long been recognized that navigating the myriad of available social services can often be a difficult, confusing and time consuming process. The Shirley Connection is a community focused web site containing a searchable, centralized database designed to assist individuals by connecting them with social service providers who can help address individual needs in the areas of:
This web site is a joint project of the Shirley Charitable Foundation in partnership with the Community Assistance Collaboration whose shared goal is to provide an effective and useful approach to connect all Shirley residents to social services providers. Funding was provided by a grant awarded by The Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts in collaboration with the Greater Lowell Community Foundation.
The Shirley Connection · P.O. Box 1277 · Shirley, MA 01464
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