The Shirley Connection

Connecting Shirley Residents with Social Service Providers

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About The Shirley Charitable Foundation

Building a Stronger Foundation in a Caring Community

The Mission of the Shirley Charitable Foundation is to be a stable, ongoing resource that makes a difference in the Shirley Community. The Foundation will support groups, organizations and activities in order to foster community focus and improve the quality of life for all.

The residents of the Town of Shirley, MA have long worked together to build a better place – a place where a sense of "community" prevails. They are people who are interested in helping each other in difficult and good times. They know that health and human service programs, arts and cultural activities, and educational and recreational opportunities are all vital to the well-being of our community.

The Shirley Charitable Foundation funds not only enable support of a wide range of deserving community activities, higher investment returns and low-cost, efficient administration, but also offer a way for donors and partners to accomplish charitable objectives which may be difficult to achieve when acting alone.

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The Shirley Connection  ·  P.O. Box 1277  ·  Shirley, MA 01464
